Although each culture has its own idea of what is erotic and beautiful, in the United States and other western countries, as well as many other parts of the world, a woman's breasts are undoubtedly her most prized physical asset. One need only to turn on a television, go to the movies or flip open a magazine for proof that cleavage and breasts reign supreme in America, Europe and most of Asia.
Unfortunately, a very large number of women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts. This can be extremely frustrating, particularly because the shape of the breasts can be difficult to alter.
If a woman is unhappy with her legs, she can exercise and change her diet. If she is unhappy with her breasts however, she may feel that her options for changing them are out of her control. However, that is not true - today's women are in a position to take control and enhance both the size and the shape of their breasts.
There are basically two effective options available to women today for enlargement and enhancement of their breasts:
1. Breast Augmentation Surgery
2. Natural, Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills
Other methods, such as massaging with creams or gels and exercises, are not really effective and do not produce significant results by way of enhancement of the breasts.
Breast Enhancement through Surgery
When people think of breast enlargement today, they most often think of surgery. In the 1950s, they may have thought of exercise or push-up bras. In centuries past, they may have thought of herbs like fenugreek and hops flower when thinking of breast enhancement. Today, most women think of implants.
The most common implants these days, of course, are filled with saline. Years ago, implants were usually filled with silicone. Silicone is now considered by most doctors and patients to be too dangerous to use. If a saline implant bursts or leaks, the salt water will be absorbed into the body without great harm.
There are four different surgical options for inserting breast implants:
1. They can be inserted through incisions in the creases underneath the breasts.
2. They can be inserted through the skin in an incision made around the nipple.
3. The surgeon makes an incision near the armpits, and inserts the implants through that.
4. The newest and most expensive technique is endoscopic surgery. In this procedure, an endoscope enables the doctor to insert the implants through a tiny incision in the woman's belly button. That breast implants can be inserted through a woman's navel is amazing, but true.
Problems with Breast Enlargement Surgery
Despite the widespread prevalence of surgery as a means for breast enhancement, there is no denying that the results are often less than satisfactory. Not only do implants frequently leak, necessitating further surgery, but they often just don't look very good. Capsular contracture frequently sets in, squeezing the implant and resulting in a hard, fake-looking breast.
After breast enhancement surgery, some women experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast areas. Loss of sensation results from damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This loss of sensation may be temporary, but it can also be permanent. The surgical technique used plays a role in this factor.
Another disadvantage of breast augmentation surgery are the very high costs, together with the potential risks of any form of surgery.
Alternative Methods of Breast Enhancement - Natural Herbal Pills
Herbal breast enlargement options are now becoming more widely available, as women seek alternatives to surgery. A variety of natural breast development products can be found on the market, including pills, powder supplements, and creams.
The popular herbal breast enlargement solutions are mostly in pill form, making them both portable and easy to ingest. Women who have tried natural breast enhancements have reported that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. Although initially met with skepticism, these pills are actually producing some excellent breast enlargement results in women. There is a reason for their increasing in popularity and recognition - they work, and they work well on most women.
The reality is that there thousands of women out there who have successfully enlarged their breasts anywhere from half to two cup sizes (and even more in some cases), by using a breast enhancement pill.
Modern Breast Enlargement Pills
Today's breast enhancement pills use sound science, along with some ancient ingredients, to help enlarge and enhance women's breasts naturally, without side effects. They are much less expensive than surgery, as well as being much safer.
These pills are usually made of non-hormonal plant estrogen, or phytoestrogen. The phytoestrogen activates the prostaglandins in the woman's breasts. Prostaglandins, first discovered in the 1930s by Swedish scientist Ulf von Euler, regulate and communicate with glands. The phytoestrogens encourage breast gland growth, similar to the growth which naturally occurs during puberty.
Herbal breast enhancement can really be an excellent natural, non-surgical option for women desiring breast enlargement. Not only that, the pills can help put some extra padding on women who currently do have implants, to create a more natural look, feel and contour.
If you are one of the several thousands of women worldwide who are unhappy about the size and/or shape of their breasts, today you have a real non-surgical option available – Breast Actives by Breast Gain Plus
Michelle Rodrigues has been researching natural breast enlargement for the last 5 years. For information and details about natural, non-surgical breast enhancement, please visit Breast Actives - Breast Gain Plus